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Dr. Nadine Gaab - Leading Research Expert in Dyslexia

Dr. Gaab is coming to Duxbury! She will be sharing her research on Dyslexia and the importance of early identification. This event is FULL but to join the Waitlist RSVP to

Nadine Gaab is an associate professor at Harvard Graduate School of Education. She received a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Zürich in Switzerland and did postdoctoral training at Stanford University and MIT.

Gaab’s work focuses on developmental cognitive neuroscience, particularly in language-based learning disabilities and typical and atypical reading development. Her research within the Gaablab the development of typical and atypical language and literacy skills in the pediatric brain as well as pre-markers of learning disabilities. Her work also focuses on developing EDtech screening tools for screening literacy milestones and developmental dyslexia as well as on educational policy and advocacy on behalf of children with learning disabilities.

She is the 2019 recipient of the LDA Award (Learning Disabilities Association America) for her work on learning disabilities. In 2018, Gaab was presented with the Allan C. Crocker Award for her advocacy on behalf of children with dyslexia and reading disabilities and efforts around the recent passage of the Massachusetts screening legislation. She has also been recognized by the International Dyslexia Association in her receipt of the Norman Geschwind Memorial lecture in 2020 and the Alice H. Garside Award for outstanding leadership in advancing the science and advocacy of dyslexia. She is a co-founder of EarlyBird Education, a company that focuses on developing screeners for the early identification of reading difficulties, including dyslexia, and works to provide practical solutions for evidence-based responses following screenings.

The Gaablab employs cross-sectional and longitudinal study designs and works closely with numerous public and private schools and districts within the US.

May 15

SEPAC Business Meeting

September 23

Parent Support